The Money Burrito Podcast
Are you someone who craves for financial independent, be able to make smart and sexy financial decisions and own up your money, but not knowing the how? You are in the right place! This podcast is filled with practical strategy, mindset, self-care & wellbeing to help you get clarity on your entrepreneurship journey. You will leave every episode feeling empowered and ready to take action in creating your unique version of abundant life.
27 episodes
Spending $500 at your favourite salon vs. $500 on business growth
I am sure a lot of people can resonate with this. This episode is a very spontaneous. Been in the business for nearly 8 years. This is one of the most ridiculous excuses that I have come across and still come across to date...
Season 2
Episode 26

I am super pumped about today;s episode because I have the amazing boss lady , Morgan Owen, joining me. We are going to talk about all things finance, loans & budget. But before we dive into all the juicy discussions, let’s get to know who ...
Season 2
Episode 25

YR END SERIES – June Actions to do for Year End
Here is another episode of year end series. This is to help guide your way through year end process, specifically during June 23. We all know how hectic it is for June23, lots of deadlines, and tasks. The How, the What, The Who and ...
Season 2
Episode 24

4 Common Mistakes On Pricing
In last week’s episode, we had the wonderful Anne Lamb who is a pricing strategist educating us all this about pricing. This week, I would love to dive deeper and explore with you the most common mistakes businesses make. In m...
Season 2
Episode 23

Interview Series: Anna Lamb (Price Like A Boss)
Another Year End Series to prepare yourself before the Financial Year End! In this episode, we invited Anna Lamb from Uplifting Value. Anna is a Pricing Strategist. She has spent over 20 years across industries such as Information Technol...
Season 2
Episode 22

Year End Series - Your accountant / bookkeeper will love you if you do all these!
Last week, we started year-end series. This is to help guide your way through year end process. The How, the What, The Who and the Why. If you have not listened, go back to last episode and listen. This week, although th...
Season 2
Episode 21

Actions to do 30 Days before Year End
As we approach the end of the financial year, it’s time to start thinking about what you need to do. You’re probably overwhelmed and not sure where to start. This podcast will help you where you can start now or what to do 30 days b...
Season 2
Episode 20

Choosing the Correct Software that is right for your business
Choosing the correct software for your business can be one of the most challenging tasks. Many of us know that we need a new system but are put off by the various products, the amount of time and costs needed to invest in, or a fear of ch...
Season 2
Episode 19

3 Reports that can help Small Business Owners
Today’s episode is all about reports. Often, I get questions like what reports should I pull out to see how the business is doing, how to read the financial reports, as small business owner, what are the best reports to review and etc.&nb...
Season 2
Episode 18

Healthy Financial Habits & Steps to Align Your Spending Habit
Today’s episode was actually requested by a listener who just went all in to her business and an amazing new journey and she wants to know what are some of the healthy financial habits that she can adapt and implement so she can set her finance...
Season 2
Episode 17

What is Money Mindset?
Money Mindset defines how you think about money and influences how you save, how you spend, and how you manage your debt. It's your core beliefs about money and your attitude towards it. This includes: What you think you can and cannot do with ...
Season 2
Episode 16

Why is Goal Setting Important?
Have you ever felt like you are doing the same thing over and over again and felt like you are not progressing, either in your personal life or in your business? Sometimes, you would even feel like something is missing. You are ...
Season 2
Episode 15

SEASON 2: Let's Start Season 2, What to Expect, Update on What has been happening + Surprise!
Welcome back to The Money Burrito. It has been a hot minute! I finished our Season 1 quite early last year intentionally because I have a few things that were on the pipeline for me which needed my full attention. Nonetheless, Season 2 is back ...
Season 2
Episode 14

Let's Talk About Results
Today’s topic is a topic that a lot of people have actually asked me. How did you get result? How do you achieve the things that you have achieved? What steps did you take to make things happen and not just making it happen bu...
Season 1
Episode 12

I Hated My Business
I hated my business. I hate the pressure that brings from the growth, I hate the fact that I need to make hard decisions. I hate working on the weekend when I can spend time with my family. I hate the fact that despite trying ...
Season 1
Episode 11

10 Successful behaviours to Implement in order Ace Your Profit
There are hundreds and thousands of strategies that you can implement or adapt in order to contribute to your business profit. In today’s episode, I am not going to talk about those strategies! I want to talk about your behaviour.&n...
Season 1
Episode 10

The Reason Why You Can't Find A "Trusted" Bookkeeper
Have you ever thought why you can’t find a bookkeeper that you can trust and work with to grow your business? Or at the state where you have multiple bookkeepers changed throughout the year? You Got to a point where you just want to...
Season 1
Episode 9

Why Your Budget Doesn’t Work For You?
In previous episode, we talked about the ingredients on how to set a budget. However, a few people have DM me saying, they do not believe in budgeting, because it just doesn’t work. Wasting their time and energy. Does this resonate with y...
Season 1
Episode 8

The 50/30/20 Rule
So, what in the world is budgeting? Why is budgeting important? Why do we need a budget? Budgeting is not an easy thing to do. If you have a budget, sometimes it can be stressful because you might find it hard to stick to it.&...
Season 1
Episode 7

Do you need a bookkeeper or an accountant?
As you can see, this episode is short. Have you ever wondered if you need an accountant or a bookkeeper or even both? At what stage of the business that you can afford a bookkeeper? If you want to make it easier for you to decide a...
Season 1
Episode 6

Bookkeeper VS Accountant? What the hell do they do?
This episode is the most debatable topic amongst small business owners. “What does a bookkeeper do?” “What is the difference between accountant and bookkeeper?” “Who do I need?” If you are ...
Season 1
Episode 5

Journey as a business owner + mum
Today’s episode is a special one! More so because this is how it all started. I have had so many people reached out to me and ask, “ How do I do this?”, “How do you juggle between kids and work?” “ How do you have time to do it all?” ...
Season 1
Episode 4

3 Mindset Shifts Business Owners Must Have for Successful Business
Moving from employee to business owner and solo-preneur to successful business leader requires a mindset shift before the actual growth happens. I didn’t believe it initially because when I started my business, I had no idea about being a...
Season 1
Episode 3

3 Key Ingredients to Build A Profitable Business
You hear some success stories about new businesses instantly making tons of money. It usually takes years for new companies to discover how to make a profit – and that’s if they’re able to stay open at all. Throughout...
Season 1
Episode 2